Sunday, January 12, 2014

A snowcat: Our Mom couldn't come back home 雪猫:お母さんが、帰って来なかった日

帰ってくると言ってた日は、ものすごーく寒くて雪も降っていて、そのせいで、飛行機が飛ばないとかなんとかで、お母さんは、日曜日には、帰って来なかった。俺たち四人とも、しゅんとしてしまった。でも、お父さんに、いいアイデアがあった。”ほら、お母さんがいつも欲しいって言ってたやつ、雪猫作ってやろうよ。外寒いけど、こんなに雪積もってるんだからさ。” って言う訳で、一番上の兄貴がそれを買って出た。真ん中の兄貴と僕は、寒いのはだめって誰もが知っているせいか、幸いにも、誰も雪猫を作るのを手伝へなんて言ってこなかった。外は、マイナス21度とかで、雪猫は、世界記録の早さで、出来上がった。お父さんも又、世界記録の早さで外に出て写真を撮ったと思ったら、もうお母さんに、写真を送っていた。お母さんからは、沈んでた気持ちが、パッと明るくなったと、メールがきた。

"I'm going to clean your grandparents' house!" Our Mom announced this, and went back to her parents' house in Japan right after Christmas. She was gone for 9 days (which was very long time for us). 
It was awfully cold and snowy on the day that she was supposed to come back home. Because of the weather, all of the flights coming here were canceled - she couldn't come back home on Sunday! All of us were disappointed! However, our Dad had a good idea... "She always wanted a "snowcat," right? It's super cold outside, but we sure have plenty of snow. Let's make a snowcat for her!" Our "older brother" stepped forward for the task. It was a relief that nobody asked middle brother and me. We don't like cold weather - especially when it's -7 F, you know. The eldest brother made the snowcat so quickly,  I bet it was a world record! Our Dad also probably set a speed record for going outside, snapping a picture and coming back inside so fast. In addition to that, he was very quick sending a picture text to our Mom. We received a message from her soon: "Oh, you made my day!" 
I was looking at the snapshot, and - sadly - the snowcat reminded me of myself (because of the fat tummy).

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