Saturday, January 18, 2014

Red Bean Rice お赤飯 

みんなが食べている時テーブルの下でちょろちょろすると、いつも、美味しいにおいがするものが、上から降ってくる。ウーンと伸びをしてからテーブルの方へ行こうかな、と思っていたら、お父さんが先に、”タビ!”と呼んでくれた。走って行くと,いつもの様に何か上から降って来て、タイルに落ちた。中兄いの様になめている暇もなく、がっついてしまった。あまりにも美味しくて、”おねだり” ポーズで立ち上がったら、今度は、もうちょっと大きいのをくれた。”やっぱりサケは、美味しいんだねー”と言う声が上で聞こえた。

お母さんは,”本当はおめでたい時につくるのよね” と言っては、普通の日にお赤飯を炊く。前の晩に小豆をお水に浸さなければならないので,俺にだって、翌日はお赤飯だなって想像がつく。今回は,お母さん無事に帰ってこられたのだから,お赤飯は、ピッタリだなっておもった。

P.S. お母さんは,あまった小豆をことこと一日中煮て,白玉も作って,お汁粉にした。お汁粉は,美味しいにおいがしないので,お願いポーズは しないで,お母さんの嬉しそうな顔を眺めた。お母さんにとっては,きっと,美味しいに違いないと,思った。

When our Mom got home, sushi was waiting for her. Our Dad made a special trip to get the sushi in the middle of the giant snow storm - very cold weather! Mom made some miso soup, and then they ate the sushi up!
When my family eats at the table, I often walk by and hang around. It often happens that something that smells good comes down from above. So, I was just thinking that I would stretch myself, and take a walk by the table. Dad called out, "Tabby!," so I dashed over there. Sure enough, something fell down from above. Unlike my middle brother, who licks things to make sure they're good, I gobbled it right up. It was very tasty, so I stood up for "more, please!" This time, I was given an even bigger piece! I'm sure they were saying, "Salmon is tasty for everybody!"

Mom put some red beans in a bowl of water that night. She always says, "Osekihan is cooked for a happy special occasion". But the truth is, she makes it even on normal days. I can always guess that she's cooking osekihan the next day, because red beans need to be soaked over night. This time, I thought osekihan was just right for such a perfect occasion, because she came back home safely!

P.S. Mom cooked leftover red beans all day long the next day. She made some white flat cakes, and made "oshiruko," which is a sweet dish. Oshiruko didn't smell delicious to me, so I didn't beg for it. I was just staring into her happy face while she ate it - I'm pretty much sure that she thinks it's a very tasty dish.

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